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"But in Japan, too, there are tough judgments about sex: what is right and wrong, permissible and impermissible, extolled and forbidden. Popular views and public rules about sexuality bear the strong imprint of international - particularly U.S. and European - influences." David LEHENY - Think global, fear local - Sex, violence, and anxiety in contemporary Japan, p. 52

Waarden en seksualiteit

Sociaal en cultureel


Katja CASSING (2001) Bezahltes Dating (enjo kōsai) in japanischen Zeitschriften, Zeitungen und in der Literatur

Mineko IWASAKI (2002) Geisha - A life

David LEHENY (2006) Think global, fear local - Sex, violence, and anxiety in contemporary Japan

Yoko KAJIHARA (2012) A Japanese schoolgirl - A novel

Brian ASHCRAFT / Shoko UEDA (2014) Japanese schoolgirl confidential - How teenage girls made a nation cool